
It is our privilege and pleasure to serve you. We are committed and focused on providing excellent medical and surgical eye care. At our eye care center, we offer management and treatment for cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, dry eye, diabetes, corneal diseases, and more.




If the lens structure becomes cloudy, the lens is called a cataract and light is unable to focus properly on the retina. Typical visual symptoms include: blurry, cloudy, or dim vision. Patient’s often report “looking through a dirty window” or glare while driving at night. Surgery is the only treatment for symptomatic cataracts. A complete eye exam will help determine if a cataract is the cause of vision changes. Schedule a visit with Dr. Reddy for further information for treatment of this condition including cataract surgery options that includes premium intraocular lenses that help reduce dependency on glasses.




Glaucoma is a disease that damages optic nerve, the “cable cord” from the eye to the brain, and can cause blindness if left untreated. It’s estimated that three million Americans have glaucoma and only half are aware they have the condition. Glaucoma is a “silent disease” and can damage your vision due to the slow progression of the disease; early symptoms are not common. It is important to manage and treat this condition with routine comprehensive eye exams to prevent irreversible blindness. Various treatment strategies include eye drops and laser/surgery, both of which are offered by Dr. Reddy.


Macular Degeneration


The macula is a small but very sensitive part of the retina, and it allows you to do activities with your central vision such as: thread a needle, read small print, and read street signs. As the eye ages, it can develop a condition called macular degeneration. The symptoms with macular degeneration include: blurriness, dark areas or distortion in your central vision, and permanent loss of your central vision. Macular degeneration can be detected on regular comprehensive eye exams before the disease causes vision loss. If treatment is necessary, it can slow vision loss but it does not restore vision.


Diabetic Retinopathy


The most common diabetic eye disease is called diabetic retinopathy. The tiny blood vessels in your eye are affected by diabetes and the blood vessels can swell and leak fluid, and sometimes the blood vessels can close off completely. In early stages, people with diabetic retinopathy do not notice changes in their vision until further progression. At times, diabetic retinopathy can cause vision loss that may not be reversible. Continued care with routine eye exams and follow up with a general physician will greatly reduce possible vision risk.


Dry Eye


Your tears, or tear film, is complex and fragile and made up of three different layers: oil, water and mucus. Every time you blink, this tear film spreads over your eye giving you clear and comfortable vision. If any balance of the three tear film layers is not functioning properly, you may experience: blurry vision, burning sensation, foreign body sensation or pain/irritation. By visiting the eye doctor, your dry eye concerns can be addressed and proper treatment, if needed, can be started. Schedule a visit with Dr. Reddy for further information for treatment of this condition.




A triangular-shaped growth in tissue that extends from the white part of your eye over the cornea (the clear front window of the eye) is called a pterygium and is thought to be caused by ultraviolet light from the sun or other environmental factors. This growth is noncancerous and common, but can cause irritation such as: blurry vision, burning sensation, foreign body sensation and redness.  Schedule a visit with Dr. Reddy for further information for treatment of this condition.


Flashes & Floaters


The vitreous is the fluid that fills the majority of the inside of your eye. When viewing a plain background or blue sky, you sometimes see small specks, dots, circles, or cobwebs moving in your field of vision. These small specks are floaters, tiny clumps of material inside the vitreous. As the eye ages, it is common to experience floaters and flashes. Flashes occur when the vitreous pulls on the retina. It is important to come in immediately for an eye exam if the following symptoms arise: sudden increase in size and number of floaters, a sudden appearance of flashes, a shadow or curtain in vision, and a sudden decrease in vision.


Corneal Diseases


The cornea is the clear dome-shaped structure of the eye that helps focus light so we can see. There are many disease processes that cause the cornea to become cloudy and lead to vision loss.

These may include:

  • Infection/ulcer from contact lens over-wear or herpetic disease such as shingles or HSV

  • Dystrophies such as anterior basement membrane dystrophy (ABMD) that can cause painful recurrent erosions

  • Trauma causing abrasions or lacerations

  • Keratoconus, a progressive thinning and outpouching of the cornea that causes loss of vision

Schedule a visit with Dr. Reddy to learn more about medical and surgical treatment options of the cornea


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